Guida Svapo

Why Is My Vape Spitting? Common Vape Issues Explained

Benedict Jones
Benedict Jones
Mar 26, 2023
Why Is My Vape Spitting? Common Vape Issues Explained

Se siete alle prime armi con il vaping, potreste esservi imbattuti in problemi che hanno portato a un'esperienza poco soddisfacente. Quando si sta cercando di passare dal fumo, questa frustrazione potrebbe indurre ad accendere una sigaretta, nel peggiore dei casi. In questo articolo vi spiegheremo i problemi più comuni che i nuovi vapers devono affrontare e come risolverli.


Why is my disposable or pre-filled vape spitting?

If you go to take a vape and feel hot e-liquid on your lips, it’s likely that your vape is “spitting”. This is not a pleasant experience and can cause your body to absorb an excessive dose of nicotine. Fortunately, this common problem is easy to solve.

If your device is a “closed system”, meaning that it is pre-filled, the liquid will be matched to the device. Spitting is caused by e-liquid oversaturating the wick and coil. To remove excess e-liquid place a paper towel over the mouthpiece of your device, then flick the device 3-5 times vigorously. This will expel excess liquid and allow you to start enjoying your vape again.

Bar Aquios


Why is my refillable vape spitting?

Se si utilizza un dispositivo ricaricabile, lo sputo ha la stessa causa di sovrasaturazione, ma il motivo per cui ciò accade può essere leggermente diverso.

In primo luogo, è necessario verificare la miscela VG/PG dell'e-liquid scelto e assicurarsi che corrisponda al dispositivo o alla bobina in uso. Maggiore è il contenuto di PG, più sottile sarà l'e-liquid. Se si utilizza una coil con porte di wicking più grandi, come le nostre ZF-coil, è importante scegliere un e-liquid con un rapporto PG più basso, poiché gli e-liquid più sottili allagheranno la coil. Come regola generale, consigliamo miscele al 30% di PG per le nostre bobine più grandi "DL/RDL" e un massimo del 50% di PG per le nostre bobine più piccole "MTL".

Another cause for spitting is when the device has not been used for an extended period. If your tank/pod has been left sitting with e-liquid inside for longer than 24 hours without use, there is an increased likelihood that the coil has flooded.

As with pre-filled vapes, the fix is to place a paper towel over the mouthpiece of your device, then flick the device 3-5 times vigorously to remove excess e-liquid. If your e-liquid is too thin for your chosen device, you may need to switch to a thicker e-liquid also.

Kroma 217-3


Why does my disposable or pre-filled vape taste burnt?

Un sapore di bruciato, ovvero un "colpo secco", può essere molto fastidioso, ma fortunatamente è facile diagnosticare il motivo per cui si verifica.

If you experience a burnt flavour in a closed/pre-filled system such as the INNOBAR C1, or a disposable device like the INNOBAR F3, this simply means the device has run out of e-liquid and it’s time to replace the pod or device.

Innobar C1-1


Why does my refillable vape taste burnt?

The most common cause of dry hits is a low e-liquid level. You can prevent this by keeping your tank or pod topped up. We recommend keeping your device at least 1/3 full when in use, as this allows for optimal performance.

You’ll also need to ensure you wait for the coil to saturate with e-liquid when filling a new pod or installing a new coil. After filling your tank/pod for the first time, you should wait at least 5-10 minutes before taking your first vape. If you start using the device too soon, the coil will not be saturated, resulting in a burnt vape.

Another common cause for dry hits is using an e-liquid that is too thick for the coil or pod. The higher the VG content of an e-liquid, the thicker it will be. If your vape uses a small coil or pod, or is designed for “MTL” vaping, it’s best to use thinner e-liquids with a 60/40 or 50/50 VG/PG ratio. Liquids with higher VG content than this may not wick effectively in smaller devices, leading to a burnt taste.

The final cause of dry hits from refillable devices is that the coil/pod has simply reached the end of its life cycle. Even when you use the correct e-liquid for your device, it will leave residue as you vape. Over time, this degrades the coil. If your coil has been used heavily for 1-2 weeks without issue, but then you start to experience a burnt flavour, it’s time to switch to a fresh coil or pod.

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Why is my disposable or pre-filled vape leaking?

Pre-filled and disposable vapes rarely leak due to the way they are designed and assembled. However, if you do experience significant leaking, it is likely due to a manufacturing defect. In this case, you should return to the place you purchased the vape and ask for a resolution.

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Why is my refillable vape leaking?

Leaking from refillable vapes is typically caused by one of three issues. The first is using an e-liquid that is too thin for the coil or pod. As with spitting, leaking occurs when the coil becomes oversaturated. Since these issues are related, it’s best to check the VG/PG blend of your e-liquid and see if it matches your device. Switching to an e-liquid with a VG/PG ratio suitable for your coil or pod will greatly decrease the chance of leaking.

La seconda causa comune di perdite è una bobina installata in modo errato. Quando si installa una nuova serpentina, assicurarsi che sia ben salda, senza spazi vuoti o movimenti visibili. Se si nota uno spazio tra la serpentina e il punto in cui è installata, potrebbe essere necessario stringerla per formare una tenuta adeguata.

Another common cause for leaking is leaving the device unused for an extended period. If your tank/pod has been left sitting with e-liquid inside for longer than 24 hours without use, there is an increased chance of a leak occurring. If you don’t regularly vape, it’s best to top up only when you intend to use the device.


Benedict Jones
Benedict Jones

Ho smesso di fumare nel 2013 grazie al vaping e questo mi ha aperto gli occhi sul potenziale di cambiamento di vita della nicotina di nuova generazione. Dal 2016 lavoro nel settore dei prodotti da svapo come scrittrice e marketer, specializzata in cultura del consumatore, sviluppo di prodotti e notizie sul settore.